Simplicity – Small & Cheap

Living simply & cheaply…wherever you are!


Since we’ve returned home, I’ve come to realize how much of my life is spent dealing with stuff. In the camper it took 10 minutes to clean the whole thing, top to bottom. My house? Yeah, not so much.

I have and will spend a large portion of my day & money on stuff. Space to store the stuff (in the form of mortgage & the myriad of storage vessels), cleaning the stuff, picking up the stuff, organizing the stuff, moving the stuff. You get the idea.

Living in that camper was a huge eye-opener. I was in it for 2 months and there was very little that I missed. We decided that since we really prefer not to be in MI as a long term deal, we would continue to try to sell our house. We (meaning ME because all this crap is MINE!) are going to try to condense our belongings to fit into a medium sized trailer (which we want anyway, for rendezvous stuff).

We have a 2200 square foot home filled to the brim with stuff. A good friend of ours got our house show-ready when we were gone and she even commented on it. You’d never know it at a glance–It’s well organized and put away. But, it’s still just stuff. She asked if there was anything we were looking for…I can hardly remember what I have there’s so much of it!

For the next few weeks/months I will be sharing my purging efforts. First up? My closet. I’m almost done with that and will be hosting a beauty swap if my other friend doesn’t mind me stealing her idea :). I figured we could swap old clothes, jewelry, and even makeup and beauty products that we’ve never used.

The rest of it can go to Goodwill. I’ve considered a yard sale but all the worry about people stealing stuff and planning it just doesn’t seem worth it. I’ll keep good records and swap some, sell the more expensive stuff, and give the rest away.

March 10, 2009 Posted by | Living Simply | , | Leave a comment