Simplicity – Small & Cheap

Living simply & cheaply…wherever you are!

Book Purge

Kind of concurrent with my closet purge, I’ve been working on my book purge. I love books and I love having lots of them, but Al & I have a disagreement about them. I have a collect & purge philosophy. He requires that if the subject is useful they must stay. Whether we’ve ever read them, whether HE could name a single title I’m ready to purge. Well until now, anyway; now he just wants them gone!

My goal is to get my books down to those I would replace if we lost them in a fire. My reasoning? Well, I’m hoping to get down to one bookcase.  I have 7.  And we have to move enough to hold the books we ARE keeping. And I want the big one. So if i can make the books i love fit on that shelf only, maybe i can keep it :). Why the big one?  Well, I love it! I picked out the color & painted it myself. I’ve always wanted a nice bookcase & it’s the only nice piece of furniture we have other than our bed.

So far, I have emptied 2 bookshelves and have sold one of them already.   I’ve got a third bookshelf almost emptied of everything except STUFF (i.e. non book stuff — photo albums, cd’s, manuals/receipt binders, etc.).    Dagny’s bookshelf is almost emptied as well.   That just leaves the office and the cookbooks.    So far, I have gotten $58 from books and the bookshelf.   Yeah!!

I’m kicking myself for not taking pictures of the pile before they started to walk out the door, but I just wanted to get rid of them!   Here is a pic of the chest (full) and the two boxes:


This is BEFORE purging my work-related books, my cookbooks and about a shelf worth of weird misc. Al books on the shelf downstairs.  I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of those books will be added to the pile.   I’ll be working on emptying those & listing them this week.    Wish me luck!!

March 18, 2009 - Posted by | Living Simply |

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